Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ups & Downs

This week has run the gamut in ups & downs, but at the moment things are looking up :D 

We are all still struggling with asthma, bronchitis, allergies, or colds... and yes, I mean ALL of us, but the boys seem to be taking point this week :/

On Sunday, Jerry spent the day resting.  He even broke down and took cold meds!  He has struggle through the week, but seems to be on the mend.

On Monday, I almost didn't take Joshy to therapy because I was coughing.  I am so glad I did.  He had such a good time, I mean, what can be better than a room with black lights, a waterbed type thing that lets you feel music and twinkly fiber lights?!?

On Tuesday, the teacher said Joshy had sneezed a couple of times and had a little bit of a runny nose.

On Wednesday, he was down for the count: congested, coughing, low temp, moderate stats.  He slept the ENTIRE day and, when he wasn't coughing, the whole night. 

On Thursday, I was torn between taking him to the hospital or waiting just a little longer.  The only thing that kept me from taking him was the fact that his stats we still in the mid 90's and that he had been awake & sitting up for a few minutes when I was trying to get a little bit of sleep after being up much of the night monitoring temp, stats, & his choking cough.   He slept much of the day but unlike Wednesday he did have a few times when he was awake and would play some.

Today, Joshy is awake and playing, not his normal energizer bunny self, but an improvement over the last couple of days.  He has joined the rest of us who are a various points in recovery.

Life Lesson:

Life is full of ups & downs.  Try to take time to find the beauty in whatever point you are in:

 be it up

or down

or somewhere in between

1 comment:

Karen said...

Beautiful post, and photos. Hope you all are up and around very soon.

I needed the encouragement, as I'm dealing with a case of shingles this week, albeit a mild one.